Immortal Lust is Finished!!

After a busy year of book promoting, traveling, writing and self care, I can happily say that book two in the series, the Lovers of the Archangels is finished!! On its way to editing! The name of the book is Immortal Lust.
The flow of the story was so natural and created with ease. I really enjoyed writing this book paying close attention to what readers connected with in TwinFlames. I continued the story with some familiar characters. The Archangels, Sassy, and Archie the panther. Along with a new love interest that bring interesting plots with wicked twists on reality and fantasy.
When I was writing, I found it hard to come to and ending with this book. I wanted Immortal Lust to be shorter and compelling, setting the stage for the next book. I feel great that I was able to achieve that.
The story is very much alive and almost writing itself. With no ending in site. This work out beautifully for me and the series!
I am happy to say I started the new year with book number three of the series, the Lovers of the Archangels being written now.
Follow me on social media for book launching dates and events.

Happy Reading,
JL Berkowitz,
*Helping people escape reality*

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